Robust System Reporting

Use built-in and custom reporting capabilities to analyze, sort, organize and share vital KPI data. Get immediate insight and breakdown with Auto Reports, view and compare progress over time with Metrics Reports, create aggregate views with related data using Joined Reports. Define KPIs, share and pin, use automation to react to their changes.
Franchisee Overview Reports
This is an example of one of our report views. If the data is in the system you can report against it. Each column can be sorted in every way you would expect, alphabetically, from oldest to newest, even big too small. You can refine any of the rows by “contains any of”, and exactly matches text, or is empty or is not empty.

You can view your report using a multitude of row headings depending on how robust or focused you would like your report to be.

Once you have your report exactly as you like showing the necessary information that you are tracking you can then save that report by a personal name and keep it private or share it with the team. So, create the report once and you will have it forever.

You can also Export all reports to a spreadsheet or PDF.
Construction Status Report
Reporting tool for the entire team to keep their finger in the pulse of openings. This report includes construction status and timing to show delays against the contractual opening date and from your projected opening date.

From any report you can hyperlink to the specific franchisee or location.
COI Report -
Having been franchisors for over 25 years we know the pain of keeping certificates of insurance for each location up to date and readily available in case of an emergency.

We designed this new certificate of insurance report to be a one stop shop for all the information you need for every insurance policy for each location including all of the coverages as well as the expiration date. We also designed it to attach to a workflow so you can notify all parties in advance of the expiration.

You can also design simple form that can be sent to an agent and they can attach the new deck page at time of renewal and it will bring it right back into the location page for the franchisee.
Track Development Agreements
This is an example of a very simple development agreement report.

But for those of you that have been in the business very long you know that it is always a workout to understand who is on schedule, who's behind schedule, how much money do they owe and when, how many stores have been opened on time, how many are yet to come and then try to dig down into the details all of that can be done from this simple report.

This report not only has all the detail you need but from the report you can simply link to the actual development agreement. Link to the franchisee, or link to a group of stores to see which ones are late.
Location Compliance Reports
This report can be used as a detailed understanding of store operations. And just like with all the reports it can be sliced in any way you want to see the data.
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